I learn things every day

I just finished a book on Universal Fantasy and marketing, and I’m absolutely amazed by it. It feels like my brain has always operated one way—like clockwise—and now it’s suddenly shifted to counterclockwise. Being neurodivergent, perhaps it’s always been more counterclockwise, but now it’s as if it’s trying to function digitally! Long story short, I’m so excited and needed to share with someone. And if you’re curious about the book, it’s by T.Taylor and it’s butter. Yes, butter.

From A Youth A Fountain Did Flow now reads...

In a world teetering on the edge of darkness, I’m being hunted.
A demon came into my home.
My mom made the ultimate sacrifice to protect me.
Now, I’m on the run, caught in the middle of a war between witches and demons, each side vying for control over my body and my blood.
Who do I trust when everyone wants something from me?

Step into a world, where nightmares are real, magic defies reality, and destiny hangs in the balance. Perfect for fans of dark fantasy, coming-of-age stories, and anyone who loves a good scare.

Navigating a treacherous new world, Scarlet is forced to battle demons, both internal and external. Every shadow is a whisper calling her name. When Scarlet stumbles upon a 19th-century journal, she must face her greatest fears and accept the possibility that she is the Fountain of Youth reincarnated. With her perception of reality shattered, Scarlet must navigate this treacherous new world, battling internal and external demons alike. Faced with an impossible choice, Scarlet must decide to embrace her dark gifts and risk losing her humanity or reject her destiny and the powers that could save her.

Praise for “From A Youth A Fountain Did Flow”:

“A fast-paced, intriguing, richly written puzzle box of a book. Every twist and turn left me breathless.” – ★★★★★, Aaron Michael Ritchey, award-winning author

“A captivating tale about witches, demons, and a battle as old as time. Highly recommended!” – ★★★★★, Cheree Alsop, best-selling author

Supernatural meets Down Among The Sticks and Bones, a novel about the personification of the Fountain of Youth as a teenage girl. “…never dull…a neat twist on the concepts of the fountain of youth and reincarnation.” -Kirkus Reviews.

The Sea Withdrew now reads….

“I know you want this body back to its original form. Host and all,” I say. “I’m willing to part ways with it.”
Scarlet sits a little taller.
“That is, if you’re willing to be mine.”
“Be yours?”
“I’m my own person.”
I say nothing.
“What happens to Zig?” Scarlet asks.
“When I leave this body, that will be up to him.” I finger the rim of my wine glass, holding her eyes.
“When will you leave his body?” Scarlet’s voice betrays her hardly a whisper.
“That will be up to you.”
Scarlet narrows her eyes. “I have conditions.”
“I expect nothing less, my dear.”
“I’m not your dear.”
“Not yet.”

The second installment in the Fountain of Youth series is a journey that transcends time, testing loyalty and revealing the captivating unknown, reminiscent of, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.

The journey to fulfill this Faustian bargain is dark and far from simple. Scarlet and Dagon must find a new host for the ancient entity. As they navigate this perilous quest, Dagon surprises Scarlet with a mysterious journal, a key to unlocking memories of the countless women Scarlet has been in her past lives.

The revelations within the journal open Scarlet’s eyes to a world beyond her wildest imagination. She discovers the vastness of existence and comes to question everything she thought she knew about Dagon. Is there more to him than the malevolence she once believed, or is he manipulating her for his own sinister agenda?

The stakes are higher, the secrets deeper, and Scarlet’s journey becomes a test of loyalty, self-discovery, and the true nature of the world around her. Will Scarlet sacrifice everything for Zig, or will the allure of newfound knowledge and the enigmatic Dagon prove too irresistible?

“In The Sea Withdrew, author Miranda Levi weaves a tale of magic, betrayal, and sacrifice, propelling readers through a world where every choice comes with a consequence. As alliances are tested, and ancient secrets come to light, Scarlet must navigate a treacherous path to save those she holds dear. An absolutely captivating continuation of the Fountain of Youth series.”– Justin Jackson, author of the Mythiverse Series.

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