Wayward Children Series: A Magical Journey Through Every Door

I’ve been obsessed with the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire since book one. Each year, I eagerly anticipated the new release, and now that it’s ended, I’m genuinely sad. This is the best portal fantasy I’ve ever read, and as a sucker for the genre, I can confidently say it’s unparalleled. Here’s why each of the nine books deserves a spot on your shelf:

Book 1: Every Heart a Doorway This is where the magic begins. We meet Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children, a sanctuary for kids who were whisked away to other worlds through a door that always asks, “Be Sure.” Nancy’s arrival and the subsequent mystery set the tone for a series that is as thought-provoking as it is whimsical. The book explores identity and belonging in a way that resonates deeply.

Book 2: Down Among the Sticks and Bones This one is my favorite, still. Jack and Jill’s backstory is revealed in this hauntingly beautiful prequel. The darkness of the mad scientist and vampire feud makes this a compelling read, earning a spot in my top ten books. Their journey to the Moors is dark and captivating, highlighting themes of sibling bonds and the consequences of choice. McGuire’s lyrical prose brings their world to life, making this a standout in the series.

Book 3: Beneath the Sugar Sky So much lighter, this book is a delightful return to Eleanor West’s school with a quest that takes us through multiple magical worlds. The vibrant, candy-colored land of Confection is a stark contrast to the previous book’s dark tones. It’s an absolute joy to read, celebrating diversity and the power of friendship with characters you can’t help but root for.

Book 4: In an Absent Dream This is the start of something much bigger in the world, and we see the consequences of this book in later ones. Lundy’s story is a poignant exploration of the rules and bargains that govern magical worlds. The Goblin Market is a fascinating setting, and Lundy’s choices and their repercussions are heart-wrenching. This book is a masterclass in storytelling, blending fairy tale elements with deep emotional truths.

Book 5: Come Tumbling Down I loved going back to the Moors. Jack’s return is both thrilling and tragic. The high stakes and emotional intensity make this one impossible to put down. The exploration of mental health and self-acceptance adds depth to the adventure, making it a powerful addition to the series.

Book 6: Across the Green Grass Fields I’ve always wondered what a book like this would be like. The Hooflands filled the little horse-loving girl inside of me with joy. This standalone novel introduces us to Regan and her journey to a world where all inhabitants are hoofed creatures. It’s a captivating story about finding one’s true self and the importance of acceptance. Regan’s growth and the richly imagined world make this a memorable read.

Book 7: Where the Drowned Girls Go This one hit home personally for me, making it my second favorite book. It takes a darker turn, exploring the consequences of the wayward children’s adventures through the lens of an institutional setting. It’s a gripping tale of resilience and the fight for individuality against oppressive forces. The themes of trauma and recovery are handled with sensitivity and care.

Book 8: Lost in the Moment and Found Antsy’s story is a bittersweet journey through a series of forgotten doors. The whimsical yet melancholic tone captures the essence of fleeting moments and lost possibilities. It’s a beautifully written, introspective tale that lingers long after you’ve turned the last page.

Book 9: Seasonal Fears Sad to see this book series end, but it’s absolutely lovely. This latest installment is a stunning conclusion to the series. The cyclical nature of the worlds and the characters’ interconnected fates are explored with elegance and depth. It’s a celebration of the series’ themes—identity, belonging, and the magic within us all.

In a Nutshell: The Wayward Children series is a testament to Seanan McGuire’s extraordinary storytelling talent. Each book offers a unique, immersive experience that delves into complex themes with grace and creativity. The characters are deeply relatable, and their journeys through magical realms are both fantastical and profoundly human. If you’re looking for a series that will captivate your heart and mind, look no further. This series is an absolute treasure.

Happy reading, fellow dreamers!

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